Sharks of the Corn is a disappointment due to its sloppy plot

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Are you up for an adventure through shark-infested cornfields? Don't hesitate to get yourself on the ride, because "Sharks of the Corn" is set to provide sensational horror as well as comedy. Directed by the famous Tim Ritter, this ultra low-budget film draws inspirations from Stephen King's famous "Children of the Corn" (1984) and turns it into a hilarious, bizarre humorous spoof that'll leave to scratch your head in disbelief and squatting on the ground with laughter.

An Cornfield Carnival of Chaos

From the opening scene in one of the fields that seems innocent "Sharks of the Corn" is the first to reveal its unusual nature. We meet Gary and Susan both of whom swiftly fade into the background when the film drifts off into unexpected directions. It weaves together horror elements, with a myriad of subplots. It's an enjoyable mix that could be described as a cornfield fair full of craziness.

A Mentally-ill Shark Enthusiast

In comes Teddy Bo Lucas, a protagonist who adds a new layer of madness to an already awe-inspiring plot. This shark-loving psychopathic has an uncanny fascination for these marine predators. In case sharks and cornfields weren't enough bizarre, Teddy is taking his fascination to a new height when his shocking act of murder occurs inside his motel room. The shocking twist set the stage to a frenzy of intrigue and mystery.

Confusion, Cults And Sharks

The plot thickens as the authorities place the blame squarely on Gary, a poor Gary to be the culprit in Susan's death, however, he is not the motive. There's a cult called the shark is revealed as a subplot. We are introduced to our world, where cornfields and shark worship collide. Just when you think the world isn't getting any wilder it turns out that two thieves are determined that they will steal a puppy shark from this cult. The show is a mix of comic and slapstick that will keep you on your toes.

Critiques as well as Comic Relief

Although "Sharks of the Corn" provides an original and refreshing encounter, it's not completely without some flaws. The film frequently jumps between numerous characters, scenes and actors, creating a sense of disorientation for viewers and struggling to follow the numerous plotlines. This is a deliberate choice in style which contributes to the fun nature of the film, although it's not all people's cup of coffee.

Its production values are film are deliberately low and the acting falls into the category of unreliable. Even in a sea of poor performances, Steve Guynn shines through with his outstanding performance. He is taking on the role of his character rather than only reciting the words. This is an uncommon example of real acting in the sea of over-the-top performances.

Shark Puppets and Bonkers Plotlines

"Sharks of the Corn" is a low-budget film that features poor effects that are able to create an appealing charm. Many of the sharks are humorously depicted by hand puppets. It adds some humour to the film. This bizarre plotline, which revolves on a shark cult's scheme to resurrect a shark goddess This is where the film has its greatest fun. But, the creativity of this film often doesn't translate into an interesting watch.

Amateurish Cinematography, Explosions Optional

Another area where "Sharks of the Corn" does not quite meet expectations is in its cinematography. The cinematography and frame work come seem a bit amateurish, and do not have quality and refinement that's typically seen typical of mainstream horror films. This could be a deliberate decision for the sake of keeping a low-budget style however it affects the performance of the entire experience.

Conclusion "Sharks of the Corn" has a more mellow taste. It's uninspiring, slow mix of characters that could be difficult to comprehend of. A low production standard unclear plots, confusing storylines, and unreliable acting could turn off people looking for a more professional horror-comedy. If you're looking for poor films (blog post) for entertainment "Sharks of the Corn" isn't quite able to deliver the anticipated hilarity.

Final Rating"Stock Footage Overlay": One "Stock Footage Overlay" Out of Five

Due to its poor quality video, actor, sound and editing "Sharks of the Corn" will not be able to meet the target. Though it's an excellent and amusing spoof comedy, it fails to provide an enjoyable, cohesive experience. For me, as the film's reviewer finish with an amusing note that movies, just like corn, will only become better when they have explosions. However, "Sharks of the Corn" (blog) will not make the cut.

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